Monday, October 22, 2012

Interview Transcript

Me:        What is the value of family in Australia?
Brogan:                                The value of family is very important to us. I fell like that it means a lot more to us than it does to many Americans.
Me:        What is your family structure like?
Brogan:                                Both parents are viewed to be more as equals. I notice that you all think the men should be the ones who bring all the money home. We do not really share that idea. Everyone shares the home jobs. There is no men work and women stay home to watch children and clean.
Me:        How does your home culture differ from the United States?
Brogan:                                Well considering Australia does not have a large gap between rich and poor people, our wages are higher. We seem to get paid nearly double what Americans do. Our cost of living however is higher as well.
Me:        What are some highlights people think of when they think of Australia? Could you also tell me about a little history?
Brogan:                                History is not really my thing. So I do not have much to tell you about that. When most people think about Australia they think about putting another shrimp on the bar-b. We have a bunch of famous monuments and stuff like that as well. Again I am just not into crap like that.
Me:        What is the most famous food in Australia?
Brogan:                                Oh hands down that would be Vegemite.
Me:        What are your meals like?
Brogan:                                We do tend to eat a lot healthier and smaller than most Americans. We eat about five or six times during the day, but much smaller meals.
Me:        What is the education like?
Brogan:                                Personally I feel like we have a great education system. Once you finish you schooling which is considered high school here, you are very much prepared for college.
Me:        Do a lot of people get to attend college?
Brogan:                                Yes, most people do choose to attend college. I wanted to attend because unlike here in America college is easier to get into and a lot easier to afford. We do not have so many things to pay for when it comes to school. It is also much simpler I have noticed since I have been here.
Me:        What are some of the top three social past times?
Brogan:                                Well we do not get as big into sports as you American’s seem too with everything. We do however love to watch out Rugby and Soccer. Many local pubs will have games on for you to watch. I personally like to go and listen to outdoor musical festivals.
Me:        What are the different religions in Australia?
Brogan:                                I do not care to talk about religion because I am an atheist.
Me:        What are some holidays that you celebrate in Australia, and how do you celebrate them?
Brogan:                                We celebrate many holidays that you do. Like my family celebrates Christmas. We do it a little differently however. It seems like all Americans ever think about when it comes to holidays is gifts. We cherish our time with our families a lot more. We would rather sit down and have a big meal with love ones over opening expensive gifts.
Me:        What is the main reason you came to the U.S.?
Brogan:                                We hear a lot about the United States all the time. It seemed like it would be a fun time and I would get to experience how you live. Since everything is cheaper here I am really enjoying it.

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