Monday, October 15, 2012

Challenges and Benefits of interviewing an international student

While interviewing and international student you will run across challenges and benefits. Depending on the country there might be more challenges then benefits. One of the major challenges will be understanding each other. There are many international students who do not speak English very well. So while you are interviewing them, you may not be able to pick up on everything they are saying. Also it may not be easy for them to understand you if they are not familiar with the way you talk. Some other difficulties would be that you do not really know the terminology of the other country, so some things in English may mean other things in different countries. One major thing will be that you will need to be careful about is saying something that could offend them in anyway. That is why you need to learn up on the country so you know what is okay to talk about and what subjects are not. This will help you in being able to compare the United States to their home country. Along with these challenges, there are also benefits.

There are also many benefits when interviewing an international student. For starters you get to meet new people. This could lead to many new friendships as well. Then you also get to learn more about another country that you may have never studied before. If you go into the interview with some prior knowledge, then you will have a much smoother interview. Picking up knowledge is always a great thing for college students. If you go into the interview open minded it will also help a lot. While doing an interview you can also help give the interviewee a little bit of understanding about you and your country. While you post your interview you can also be helping other people learn about this country as well.  

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