Monday, November 12, 2012

Interview Transcript #3

Me:        What is the value of family in Australia?
Juli:                                Family is very important to me for two reasons. Growing up we were very poor. There for we lived with my grandparents and a set of aunt and uncle along with four of there children. This house was full of 14 people. These were the most important things to me in life. Second would be because no matter what happens to you in life your family will always be there when you need them.
Me:        What is your family structure like?
Juli:                                In my family everyone works full time. Even today I still live with my grandparents and extended family. This really did make it easier on everyone to pay for things. There is always an adult at the home no matter what time it is. Someone will always be there to help out when you need it. We do sit down meals everyday.
Me:        How does your home culture differ from the United States?
Juli:                               My home culture is much different from ones I have seen in America. We are very much more of families then Americans seem to be. We do not take our families for granted like I have seen most people do here.
Me:        What are some highlights people think of when they think of Australia? Could you also tell me about a little history?
Juli:                               When most people think of Australia I would assume that they think of how we "ride" Kangaroos. This is completely untrue by the way. We also have many great beaches that people can come and visit.
Me:        What is the most famous food in Australia?
Juli:                                My personal favorite food is a Tim Tam. This is a chocolate sweet treat. It is like a cookie biscuit type on dessert. I like it so much because I love chocolate.
Me:        What are your meals like?
Juli:                               Our meals in Australia are much different from those here. We do not have such large meals. We tend to eat a lot more veggies as well. We like to eat healthy.
Me:        What is the education like?
Juli:                              Our education system is just like yours. We have grade school and college. We go for the same amount of time. Our summers however is December through March.
Me:        Do a lot of people get to attend college?
Juli:                                A lot of people I know attend college. It is not as expensive over there. Our government gives you money for attending college. This helps you pay for it as well. 
Me:        What are some of the top three social past times?
Juli:                                I would have to say sports. We just like Americans get very excited over sporting events. We throw parties and drink just like you guys.
Me:        What are the different religions in Australia?
Juli:                               Religion to me is not a talking subject.
Me:        What are some holidays that you celebrate in Australia, and how do you celebrate them?
Juli:                               Since a lot of the main holidays have to do with religion, my family does not really celebrate them for there main reasons. We do however celebrate Christmas. Since we did not have much money growing up, gifts were not that important to us. Just the fact that you got to spend time together.
Me:        What is the main reason you came to the U.S.?
Juli:                             The main reason I came to the United States was to site see. Also coming over to visit a friend who is studying here was a good incentive. I have truly enjoyed my time here.

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